Thursday, January 08, 2009

My Sweeties

These two little boys have me wrapped around their fingers.  yep.  They've got me!  I so often feel completely inadequate to be a mom.  Anybody else?  I may be the only one, but I doubt it.  Having kids made me so vulnerable.  I am a perfectionist.  I like to do things well.  I don't like for anything to be wrong and if it is wrong, I want to fix it.  Parenting is not for perfectionists.  Two reasons...I'm not perfect and they aren't either.  As hard as I try to make them perfect, they won't be.  They need Jesus just as much as me.  So much of wanting to be a perfect parent is rooted in my pride...I want my kids to look/act/be a certain way because it reflects on me and David as parents.  So, usually, I go into this gross self-loathing about how I'm not a good mom and how I'll never be and what did I do to make them act a certain way, etc.  Sorry.  I do.  And, sometimes, I even ask others to listen to me (sorry Mom, Di, and Susan).  So, last night I decided enough!  I am not going to tell myself that I'm inadequate because the truth is...the Lord has called me to be a mom and He really does give me everything I need to do it.  He has me soaking in some scriptures right now about believing Him for everything and refusing to believe this lie that I have told myself over and over again.  

2 Corinthians 3:4-5
"Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God.  Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God." He alone makes me competent.  There is nothing I can do without Him. 

Psalm 16:2
"I said to the Lord, You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing." I must remain in Him not waver away because I can do no good thing without Him.

Psalm 119:66
"Teach me knowledge and good judgment for I believe in your commands." He will teach me what I need to know.

Lord, help me to believe You in this.  Help me to trust that You will always give me what I need to do the things that You have called me to do.  Help me to be confident in You and to not waste time and energy on focusing on my inadequacies instead of focusing on who I am in You.  Thank you that You are compassionate to me and that You equip me for every good work.  I love you.


Amanda said...

Oh girl, that is convicting. Thanks for sharing. I'm praying for you this week!

Carrie said...

You have such a way with words Sherry. Thank you for sharing!

The Wiggins Family said...

Sherri- I know how you feel for I have felt that same way so many times b/c of trying to be perfect. I love it though when I can come to the end of myself and find God with His arms wide open. He is truly the only good thing in me and that is what the world should see. May my pride and perfectionistic ways be thrown out the door, so He can be all that He desires to be in me. You are a great mom and if you can teach your children now how you are not perfect and that it is okay to fail in life- what a great lesson to learn early on. I'm in the process of teaching Carlee about that now. Love you and thanks for sharing your insufficencies.

Anonymous said...

oh dear friend, thanks for being so genuine.