Sunday, August 05, 2007

Just a quick post because Sam did something so sweet tonight and I don't want to forget to write about it like I do often! We went to the park after dinner tonight to get some little boy energy out before bedtime. Sam had a blast playing on all of the slides and in the dirt and swinging "up to the airplanes" as usual. Then, David and I were just sitting on the side, letting Sam climb up the slides and Sam went over to the park benches that face each other. He sat down on one and said "I sit here, Mama sit over der (the bench facing him) and I talk to Mama." He just wanted to talk to me....he just wanted to sit and talk with his mama!! Be still my heart! So, of course, I got over there quickly and we just talked. He told me about the BIG trees and the yittle trees and the birds and the airplanes. He told me about how he is going to go to Mimi's house tomorrow because Mama is "go-ning to work" and he is going to watch the "truck Barney" and sing about the sun. He told me his memory verse. He talked about how he and Daddy are going to go to the airport and he is going to ride a train and then come to the airport and Mama and Grammie and Diddy will be waiting at the top of the escalator. Then, he got distracted and was off to being a little boy again. It was one of the sweetest moments for me. I don't ever want to miss the moments that he wants to talk to me!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Precious. My heart loves that you took the time to do so, and didn't ignore his small little plea.