Saturday, July 21, 2007

David and I were talking this morning about all of the funny things that Sam says now. We are constantly laughing at him. Here are a few:

-the other day, I said, "Sam, it's time to go eat lunch" and he said "time to go drive tru chick- fi-yay."
-we were watching sesame street and cookie monster ate the letter of the day and sam said "cookie needs to go to h-e-b and get anoder cookie"
-we were in target and he asked me "what's dat target man say-ning"
-a little girl was pestering sam in a restaurant and he said "dat yady needs to hold her yittle girl."
-i threatened sam with a spanking and he said, "no, just time out"
-he was having a hard time on the potty and he said "what's dat bottom dooning?"
-after we went to the zoo recently, we asked sam what the animals were doing and he said, "day were just yooking at sam."

i'm sure there are more, but i think that some of them are funny to us and probably aren't funny to anyone else!


Shelly said...

Oh my word! LOL! Priceless!

I am loving the chick-fi-yay and y's in replace of the 'l.'

And the bathroom one!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Diddy and I can't wait to hear these conversations in person! See you all very soon, Love you tons, Dammy

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I can't wait :)