Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Ornaments

We made some No Bake Spice Christmas ornaments together as one of our Christmas crafts. It was a great little project for these chilly days that we are hanging out inside! Excuse how I look and the fact that I still have on my Sunday school teacher shirt...

Sam is trying to understand why I am putting glue into a recipe that we are going to put in the oven....

Sam didn't want to use his hands to mix it up, but Jacob sure did!
It helps to read the recipe...once I realized things weren't coming together, David read the recipe and found out that I didn't put a cup of cinnamon in...he saved the day!
Right out of the oven :)


The Guess Family said...

cute, cute, where did you get the recipe?

Ashley Turnbull said...

I, too, am curious why you put glue in the cookies. Are these to eat? No, they are ornaments, right? confused!!!