Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jacob's 1st Birthday Parties

We had a party for Jacob yesterday at our house.  It was such a sweet time to celebrate the life that he brings to our family!  We are so grateful for him!

We also had a party when we were in Georgia at Grammie and Diddy's house!  He is one loved little guy!  For both parties, Sam insisted on making the cake.  Of course, I had to let him because I thought it was so sweet that he would want to do that for his little brother!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Happy Birthday to Jacob! I can't believe it's been a whole year - but then again, I can't believe you've had another baby that I have YET to meet. Maybe you will come to Columbus via Huntsville next year so that you can meet baby T :)

Your party looks fantastic!

Amanda Burkett said...

Happy Birthday Jacob! Sam, job well done on the cake . . . The evidence of greatness is written (smeared) all over Jacob's face! Sherry, as always, I love the pictures, love the words, love the blog. Love the people in it even more!