Monday, November 10, 2008

Grandparent's Day

Last week, Sam's school had a grandparent's and special friend's day at school!  It was so fun to go and see Sam in his classroom with all of his friends at school.  Mimi and Grandpa came as well and got to see Sam in his element.  We missed our Grammie and Diddy!

Sam is just such a cool kid.  He participates in all of the class events, but doesn't try to be the loudest or get attention.  He so doesn't care what others think about him.  He just does his thing.  He has the best time in science class and told us all about inertia and combustion.  When it was snack time, he just sat down at the table and didn't care if anyone sat with him.  I kind of want to be like him when I grow up.  He is confident in a way that I wish I was!  I pray that it stays with him and that he knows who he is.  I pray that his confidence comes from who he is in Christ Jesus and not in himself!  

Speaking of praying for your kids, go visit this blog to see a great way to pray for your kids throughout the day.  I have been doing this for four days and it has changed my perspective during some very challenging times of the day.  If you have a chance, take a look at it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandparent's hold a very special place in all our hearts. Sam, Jacob, Caleb and Sarah are all very blessed to have your parent's to call Grandparent's.

That sure was a great day at TWCA.