Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Some Sam Stuff

I like to write down things that Sam says so that I will remember them just how it happened!  So, enjoy...

Saturday, I went to get my haircut.  Conversation between me and Sam:

Mom:  Sam, I'm going to get my haircut, so you are going to stay here with Daddy and I'll be back real soon.
Sam:  I don't want you to go anywhere, I want you to stay here.
Mom:  I know, but I really need to go.
Sam:  I know, but you are pretty just now.

We are leaving for a disney cruise on Saturday with our dear friends, the Guesses.  Conversation:

Mom:  Sam, we leave in just a few days to go on our cruise!
Sam:  Yay!
Mom:  Who do we get to see?  (expecting Mickey, etc.)
Sam:  Addison.

Mom:  We get to eat on the boat...
Sam:  Yay!
Mom:  Swim on the boat...
Sam:  (more excited)  Yay!
Mom:  Play on the boat...
Sam:  (even more)  Yay!
Mom: And, sleep on the boat.
Sam:  just a little bit of sleeping.

Getting ready to go outside:

Mom:  Sam, let's go outside!
Sam:  can I just wear my feet outside??

While David's mom was here:

Sam:  Grammie, why do you have a different shirt on today?
Grammie:  well, the shirt I wore yesterday was dirty, so I put on a new shirt.
Sam:  Mom wears the same shirt everyday.  ( I really don't...but, I do wear the same type of shirt almost everyday, but I promise, it is NOT the same shirt...)

Sam was pushing Jacob in the swing, and Sam sang all of the songs I always sing to him.  Melt my heart.

Waking Sam in the morning:

Mom:  Good morning, sweet darling!
Sam:  Good morning, sweet mama, how are you doing today?  I love you soooo much.


Bryson's Mom said...

Little boys are just the best, aren't they!

Amanda said...

This is so sweet! All of those things made me smile so big.

The Wiggins Family said...

Precious! I love the part about wearing the same shirt everyday. Too funny! Have fun on the cruise.