Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Potty Training Boot Camp (mommies only)

This week is boot camp at the McClure house. Sam has been trained to go poo-poo on the potty for a few months now, but I have been relaxed about the pee-pee in the potty because I just didn't feel like he was ready. Yes, I know that it seems backwards, but that is what worked for us. So, yesterday, we began potty training. It has been going pretty well and neither Sam nor I have been frustrated about it yet. Yesterday morning, I thought..."am I crazy to be doing this?" after he had three accidents in a row. But, after those three, he didn't have any more. And, today, he just had one accident this morning and hasn't had any since. I call it boot camp because it is all that we are thinking about around here and we aren't leaving the house so that we can focus on this and get it done right. I set the timer every 40 minutes, and when the alarm starts buzzing, Sam runs to the potty to try to go. I was trying to be super creative (which I'm not), so I wrapped individual stickers in toilet paper and tied them up with a bow and put it on the back of the potty. Yesterday, when I showed Sam the "presents", he said, "what that toilet paper dooning in that bowl?" Then, he wants to throw the paper in instead of unwrapping his sticker. It makes me laugh. The child is so proud of himself when he goes, and I am too! I'll update how the rest of the week goes. I'm hoping that we can get out of the house by Saturday!


Amanda said...

Whew, girl! That takes some dedication, doesn't it?

The Chappelles said...

i'm belly laughing...can't wait for more details.

nancy said...

I think you are a genius! seriously. I do wonder though if you are having Chick fil A withdrawals?! You are in my prayers, dear friend.....