Sunday, September 30, 2007

Boot Camp Graduation

We are done with potty training boot camp! It was quite a week at our house. Sam did very well...we had our share of tears, and our share of laughs! We have had several days without any accidents, so I definitely think we are well on our way. Of course, this is a process, but I feel like staying at home for a few days was worth it! The only thing that I"m a little concerned about is that I'm afraid that for the rest of his life, Sam is going to have the urge to go to the potty when he hears a buzzer go off! :) On the first day of boot camp, my scripture in my morning reading was on perserverance. It reminded me that our Lord does care about the details of our lives...even potty training a two year old. And, I'm so thankful...because I prayed a ton about this! We did make it out of the house on Friday and for my friends who know how much Sam and I love to go to chick-fil-a, that's where we went for our first major outing. I have to say that I have had to break free from some serious germ issues to be potty training a little boy...and then to have to go to a public restroom...well, it's too hard to talk about, but we have had to just deal. Anyway, for our first outing, I put Sam in a pull-up because I didn't want an accident on the playground. I went back and forth about this because I didn't want it to confuse him, but after some counsel from mom, amy and kim, I decided that if I was that worried about it, I should just put him in a pull up. So, I spent several minutes explaining to Sam that the pull up was special big boy pants and that he still needed to tell mommy if he needed to go, but this big boy pant would keep him from having a mess. Then, he just looked at me and said, "mama, it's a diaper." Oh well, I guess he knows better! Our first outing was great potty-training accidents at all! But, as a side story, we did have a discipline issue at chick fil a.

Sam was playing on the playground and a little girl started crying. Her mom wasn't in the play area, so I tried to talk to her to coax her down because I thought that she was just scared from being up there. Obviously, I can't climb up the playground with my 7 month pregnant tummy, so I was just trying to talk to her. Eventually, she came down and her mom came in and she told her mom "that little boy spit on me." I thought for sure that it wasn't Sam...I honestly didn't thnk he even knew how to spit. Now, if she would've said that someone pushed her, I would've thought for sure that it was Sam, but spitting?? NO!!! We came home and it was still bothering me, so I asked Sam, "did you spit on that girl?" Sam says..."yes ma'am." I was shocked! I said, "Sam, we don't spit on people. It's not nice." Sam says, "mama, that yittle girl had dirt all over her face." I don't know about you, but I thought that was pretty funny. I had to tell him that we don't spit on people, even if they have dirt on them. And, just in case you're, I've never given Sam a spit bath.

Back to the potty training...

I'm so glad we're done and that we'll be out of diapers for a couple of months. I'm so proud of Sam and so thankful that he was more compliant than ever this week. Thanks for all of your prayers!


The Chappelles said...

Way to go Mom! and Sam too...

The Skains Family said...

That is hilarious Sherry about the spit bath. Sam says such funny things!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't wait for that day! So, here's my big question as I approach starting this fun you start standing up or sitting down???? :)