Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We have had an exciting day! First, I had my first doctor's appointment for my new pregnancy and got to see the little baby. It is truly amazing to me that this little person is only 7mm long, but we could see the heart beating in all four chambers. Life really is a miracle!

Then, David is building us a patio...a huge patio. All of the materials were delivered today, so Sam got to see a forklift and a dump truck at our house. His whole year was made, I think. Of course, he had to "help" Daddy with moving the dirt and had fun with that. We can't wait for the patio to be done; we're going to have a barbeque when it's all finished to celebrate!


Amanda said...

Wow, is that a little boy's dream or what? I'm so glad your appointment went well!

Ashley Turnbull said...

Oooh...I am so impressed! Pop me an email and tell me what kind and how he is going to build this patio. We are thinking we might do the SAME thing! Let me know...good luck. I know Sam is LOVING this! Me, the civil engineering dork, am also loving it. AND, yea for baby-ultrasounds! Can't wait to hear what it is (in a couple of months =)

Shelly said...

Sorry for being off the topic - but I saw your reading recommendation off of Amanda's site, and I am so excited about being able to start the series you mentioned. It looks incredible and I love that biblical story anyway! Thanks for sharing!!! PS - Your lil' boy is darling, and congratulations on the next one!!