Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I need some sympathy. I have the most neurotic dog on earth, I'm sure. He is overly emotional, totally codependent and quite opinionated. Tex will eat anything that is dropped on the floor...peas and carrots, lettuce, onion, cayenne pepper; you name it, he'll eat it. Except, the overly expensive heartworm medicine that we have to give him each month. This stuff is beef-flavored and chewable, so he should just gobble it up. My friends just put it in their dog's bowl and they eat it with their food. Not Tex. We have to cover it up in peanut butter and shove it in his mouth. Gross. It is more than my pregnant stomach can handle right now, so David had to do it. I think that Tex knows he'll get peanut butter, so that's why he just totally rejects it.

1 comment:

Living to Love said...

Your dog looks just like mine!!!! If your dog is anything like mine, he does know he is gonna get peanut butter and will do what he has to do! :)