Sunday, April 20, 2008

Weekend Randomness that I don't Want to Forget

This is a very random post, but I was just thinking about some things that happened this weekend and I don't want to forget...

~Sam and I went to Kroger.  I usually don't go to Kroger because I go to HEB, but Kroger is very close and I just had to pick up a couple of things.  They have these little shopping carts there for kids, and I thought, since we just had a couple of things to get, that it'd be fun to let Sam push the cart.  Bad idea.  Really bad idea.  He ducked his head and ran as fast as he could while pushing the cart.  He ran into the table with all of the oranges piled on it, but thankfully, they didn't fall.  I ended up pushing a miniature cart around Kroger.  I let him push it sometimes, but I was the lady bent over to her knees pushing the cart around.  I laughed hard.

~We worked on our backyard.  We have a pretty intimidating backyard, but it is coming together.  David built a wonderful patio last summer, we have the swingset, a sandbox, and now David has started building a flowerbed in the back.  I am so excited!  I love gardening...I love the instant gratification that comes with it, and I love having flowers.  I planted some annuals in my new pots in the back.

~Conversation with Sam:
Sam:  Mom, why are there always a grown-up here?
Mom:  To take care of you.  Besides, what would you do if there weren't any grown-ups here?
Sam: I just play all day by myself.
Mom:  Who would get your drinks and your breakfast and your lunch and your dinner?
Sam:  I can get it.  I can be by myself.

~Swinging with Sam...we have started doing Sam's memory verses to songs that I make up while he is in his swing on the swingset.  His verse this week is Romans 8:1..."There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  It is so much fun to hear his little mouth say this truth.  Today he asked David what condemnation meant.  Great conversation!

~Smiles from Jacob.  They don't get any better than his.  He gives the gummiest smiles and it takes his whole body to do it.  I am so in love.

~Having lunch with a dear friend and her husband.  They even put up with my whole family!!

~Walking to chick-fil-a with David, Sam and Jacob.  Sam sat in the stroller and sang to Jacob the whole way.  He also told him all about the "forest" that we were walking through.

~Having a meltdown and realizing that I am truly nothing without Jesus.  I am so emotional these days and I need His grace to get me through each hour.  I have a very forgiving husband who loves me even though he has seen me at my absolute worst.  

I think that's it for now!  Have a great day!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Too funny! I love that you share the good, the funny, and the bad. Really. It's good to hear honesty and to know that others struggle - not meaning I want you to struggle, just that I don't feel so alone =) Make sense? You should post some pics of the backyard. I never saw the finished deck from last year!

The Wiggins Family said...

I love the bible verse idea while swinging. I normally sing to Carlee and Zachary while they are swinging. It's so much fun! Sounds like a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

real life is amazingly beautiful at times. thank you for sharing. I love you so!