Wednesday, April 02, 2008

3 Months with Jacob!!

Our Jacob is 3 months old today!  It is amazing to me how quickly the time flies.  This little guy has completely captured our hearts over the past three months and we can honestly not remember life without him!  Last night, David was holding him and I heard him say to Jacob, "what in the world did we do before you?"  I feel the same way!  He is so precious.  He gives the best smiles and laughed for the first time yesterday.  He loves to lay on his playmat and look at the baby in the mirror!  He loves his bouncy seat and he has started jumping in the jumperoo, too!  Yesterday, I noticed that he was watching Sam play and smiling at him.  Jacob is definitely my cuddle baby.  He likes to be held as much as possible and just nestles himself into you.  He also loves to eat, which is why he has the most wonderful baby rolls!  And, why he is already wearing 6 month clothes.  We are so thankful for this little guy and can't wait to see how his little personality develops!


Ashley Turnbull said...

Oh, I love to see him grow! I still cannot believe you have a second one...he looks like Sam to me - love the face! Sounds like you are doing well...maybe ONE day we will get to talk on the phone and catch up =) Thank you for the sweet things you said on the blog...always!

The Guess Family said...

He's Huge and so very precious!!! I can't wait to love on him on the cruise! We are counting down the weeks.

Amanda Burkett said...

You know that Amy and I have an arranged marriage set up for Ben and Sarah . . . I think Cameron and Jacob may need a similar arrangement!

Carrie said...

He's so cute! I can't imagine having a second one and sharing the love, so I am glad to know that you can feel the same about a number two. Noah is about a week shy of 5 months and he is in 6-9 month clothes too. And a question, were you in the Beth Moore Daniel videos? We did the study last fall and I made my group rewind and pause because I swore I saw you.

Lindsey said...

Sherry, He looks so big on that play mat! I can't believe it. Man, time flies...