Friday, April 06, 2007

Today, I took Sam to the doctor for the seventh time in the past month. I feel so sorry for the little guy. He has really been through it! It all started with our ski trip when he got those crazy ear infections and now he has pneumonia. PNEUMONIA!!! What in the world? I had no idea that he was as sick as he is. I have honestly been pretty hard on him over the past couple of weeks discipline wise. I haven't been letting him get away with one little thing because I have been really preparing for the "terrible twos" and want to do this year well. I want him to be taught what to do with his feelings and become an obedient child. Last week, when we were in Georgia, visiting Grammie and Diddy, Sam was just hard for the whole time. He didn't want anyone except me and he was hard to please. This was so uncharacteristic of him, but I thought that he could just be going through a phase. Then, I took Sam to lunch with my coworkers this week, and he was so shy that all he did was bury his head into me and say "no sing" to everyone. I guess when you get my coworkers together, we just look like a bunch of people who could break out into song at anytime, and Sam did not want anyone to do that. So, if anyone in your family tells you not to sing, don't...they might have pneumonia! So, after I drug Sam all over town on Wednesday, he started being so lethargic and started running a very high fever. Then, he turned pale and his lips turned so white that they were almost blue and we took him to the er, where they told me that he had pneumonia. They gave him an antibiotic shot and put him on oral antibiotics. He did great yesterday throughout the day until after his nap and started spiking a fever again. We went to the doctor this morning and found out through blood work that he has viral pneumonia, so these antibiotics are no good for this one. Then, today, the child has been a complete delight. He hasn't even acted sick since about 10:00 this morning. We have played and played all day and he seems great! I hope tonight is good; I've only gotten about 5 hours of total sleep over the past two nights!

On a much better note, I don't think that the twos are terrible at all; in fact, I think that they are terrific! I know that we aren't really there yet, but Sam is so much fun. He speaks in broken sentences most of the time and he is very good at expressing his opinion. His imagination is beginning to soar and he is so much fun to watch. He is really into ME singing right now...about everything. I have made up songs about each matchbox car and tractor that he has. Problem is that I am supposed to remember what I make up about each one and that is hard. I don't know how Sam remembers, but somehow, he does! He really steals my heart each and everyday and at times, I think he is beginning to fall in love with us, too!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry Sam has that! Bless his heart! I love hearing your reports on each stage. It gives me joy to know what's coming. Can you believe his birthday's coming up?
Love you!