Friday, April 13, 2007

10 Things NOT to Let Your Two Year Old Do
( I'm just sayin'...this isn't from experience or anything)

10. Get away with something just because you are on the phone.
9. Choose what to eat because you actually asked their opinion.
8. Write with markers on YOUR face (even washable).
7. "Help" you water flowers. For some reason, it never occurred to me to just go turn the water off. Instead, I kept trying to take the hose away from him, thus becoming soaked. Oh, wait; this isn't from experience...
6. Come in the shower while you are trying to take a shower.
5. tghjkl;' sit in your lap k,, while you are tryin g cvfghfjg to blog.
4. Play with a bottle just because it says "childproof"
3. "Help" you cook dinner...especially if there is flour involved.
2. Pick out their own clothes.
1. Answer the phone.


Anonymous said...

Just had to let you know I found your blog through Ashley's - it gives me more comfort than you know to read about someone raising a little boy just ahead of mine! I can only imagine what I have to look forward to! Thanks for the encouragement (and entertainment...)

Jan McClure said...

You are a quick study! Love you, Grammie