Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sam is going to be 22 months old tomorrow! I cannot believe how time flies by with this little guy in my life. He brings such joy to our home and keeps me on my toes constantly! There are so many ups and downs having a toddler. Sam has had several meltdowns this week about not getting his way. One of the fits almost put me into one. We went to Wal-mart to get some dimetapp because Sam has a cold. Across the street from walmart is a construction site with tons of tractors, so I took Sam over there and we sat outside for 20 minutes watching tractors. The child was elated. He could have stayed there all day; and wanted to. I gave him a five minute warning before it was time to leave and we got in the car and he told me that he was going to find a tractor to watch (in two-year old language). I told him that we needed to go home and we went on home. When we got home, I got out of the car and walked around to get him out and he clutched his arms down and told me that he wanted to stay in (all while screaming). I told him that he could stay in the car, but I was going to take the groceries inside. So, I took the groceries in and then got him out of the car (still screaming..."tractors"). He then proceeded to throw himself on the floor and cry harder than I've ever heard him. It finally ended and to him, it was like it never happened! On the other side of the coin, Sam is so tenderhearted. If you know Sam at all, you know that he had a very hard time in the nursery at church for several months. It has gotten so much better now! This Sunday, when I went to pick him up, the teacher told me that Sam comforted a little girl who was having a hard time in the nursery; all without any prompting. They even took a picture of him hugging her! Oh, I do hope he is full of compassion! I can't wait to see the picture, and I promise to post it when I get it. There are also a thousand other things that outweigh any fit he'll ever have. His imagination is hilarious. He cuddles with me in the morning. He can tell me what he wants and doesn't want. He loves animals. He is an absolute joy. I want to remember the fun stuff and not the fits. It is amazing how I can let one fit ruin an entire wonderful day if I let myself dwell on the negative. When the fact is that a fit really lasts no more than 15 minutes and the rest of the day is full of fun and laughs and smiles! I have to keep myself focused on reality! Oh, and yes, that is real coffee in his cup...

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