Friday, June 23, 2006


What a tough word! I was taught by a very good friend that humility and compassion are two of the most important things that we can have as Christians. Without those two things, we will never be able to connect with anyone. As a parent, these two characteristics are absolutely necessary, and I am learning that if I don't have enough of them, the Lord will be sure to put me in situations to mold them in.

The other day, I was leaving HEB after my weekly (or bi-weekly) trip. Parked next to me was a young woman who was on her cell phone, obviously in a great deal of distress. So, I asked her if something was wrong and she looked at me and told me that she had locked her keys in her car with her one-year old in it. I assumed that she was on the phone with pop-a-lock or something, but she was trying to get in touch with her husband to bring her another set of keys. I told her that I'd call a locksmith to come and I did and she thanked me. The baby was fine the whole time, just drinking his juice and laughing at his mom who was trying to entertain him. The locksmith came and the baby was retrieved and everyone was happy...except the mom who felt horrible! As I drove away, I thought "how could any mother do something so irresponsible??!!"

Monday of this week, I decided that I was going to take Sam to the new Childrens' Museum that I have heard is fabulous. I had him dressed in an adorable outfit and I thought that I looked pretty cute myself. It was one of those days that you just feel good about yourself. I had gotten up early, had my quiet time and my coffee, done some work, and played with Sam. I got everything together and had Sam loaded in the car and oops! the car was locked with the keys and Sam inside. You would think that it wouldn't be a big deal since we were at home and I should have a spare set, but we don't have a spare set. I panicked!! I called 911 and the fire department was at the house within 3 minutes and they had Sam out in less than 5. He was completely fine the whole time, drinking his water and laughing at his mom who was trying to entertain him. We did leave to go to the museum (which is closed on Mondays...just to add to my feel good morning), and as I drove away, the Lord reminded me of my thought about that other mom who did the same thing. And, I thought, "Lord, You are faithful."

He is faithful in all kinds of ways. Not just the fact that He provides everything that we could ever need or the fact that His love is faithful. He is also faithful to never let us get away with any sin...even if it's just a thought. I am so thankful for Him and for the fact that He let me learn this humility lesson in a relatively easy way.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Very interesting story. Emergency locksmiths are playing very important role. I locked myself out of my apartment. And I called to locksmith company. They said that locksmith will come in 30-40 minutes. He came and opened my door in 10 minutes. So, the locksmith was very handy for me in this tight situation. Another case, my sister locked her 2 year old son in the car at church. Luckily the locksmith company office is right next door.